
Intentions for a Good Grief Year

by Julie Nierenberg on Feb 25, 2023

Intentions for a Good Grief Year

Especially resonant for anyone who has experienced a loss during the past year, these intentions can help to frame the year ahead as a "good grief" year.


  • I intend to give myself just as long as it takes to feel whatever I feel, without placing time limits on any phase of my grief.
  • I intend to be flexible about my own needs whenever expectations arise--whether mine or others'.
  • I intend to go easy on myself whenever I am not as productive as I prefer to be, at times when I "don't care" about stuff that I used to.
  • I intend to allow the full spectrum of my emotions to be expressed unapologetically and without guilt.
  • I intend to accept others' support and assistance, remembering that doing so gives them the blessing of giving in my hours of need.
  • I intend to be just as patient with myself as I would be with others in my circumstances.
  • I intend to keep my loved ones close by speaking their name and sharing memories and precious stories with them.
  • I intend to acknowledge and accept the individual nature of my grief, knowing that it will show up in ways that are uniquely mine.
  • I intend not to "should on" myself or let others do so.
  • I intend to realize and accept that my pain may not be understood by anyone else; it would be unrealistic for me to have that expectation.
  • I intend to be grateful, especially to those who are concerned for me and are willing to just be with me and listen to whatever I want and need to share.
  • I intend to forgive anyone who may do or say something hurtful because they cannot realize their action is unkind (or they wouldn't do it).
  • I intend to move toward a purposeful and hopeful future life, even if my steps forward are very small ones.